Wilujeng Sumping

Wiliujeng Sumping, Wilujeng Nyiksenan

Jumat, 23 Juli 2010

 Group VI :
Rinda Handayana (036109107)
Wahyudi (036109089)
Erni Rahayu (036109106)
Ratna Kusuma Dewi (0361091069)

Honesty and Amanah Replies

Every Muslim was ordered to apply the mandate and has good morals and praiseworthy qualities. Goods-who do these traits, would he be rewarded the good, in this world and the Hereafter. Whoever left the treasonous and deceptive because God with all honesty and sincerity, Allah will replace it with a lot of good that Abu Hurayrah narrated, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

"There was a man who bought land from the estates of others. Suddenly, people who bought the plantation land to find a jar where there is gold. Then he said to the seller, 'Take your gold from me, because I just bought plantation land, do not buy gold! "People who own land that was answered,' I sold the land that follows what is in it '. Then they ask for legal decisions to others. The man said, 'Are you two having kids?' One of them said, 'I have a son'. Another said, 'I have a daughter'. The man then said, 'Married boys (you) with a daughter (his) and to spend gold and both of your charitable of her!'. "(Narrated by Bukhari in Al-Akhbar Children of Israel, and Muslim).

From Abu Hurayrah from the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said that he mentioned a man from Bani Israel who asked the other Israelites to give him the loan of 1000 dinars. Then people who debt said, 'Bring some witnesses that they saw (this debt)'. He replied, 'Allah is sufficient as a witness for me!' The man said, 'Bring somebody that guarantee (you)!' He replied, 'Allah is sufficient menjaminku!' People will menghutanginya was then said, 'You're right! "The money was given to him (to be paid) at the appointed time.

(After a long) a person who owes who went out sailing for some needs. Then he looked for a ship to take him because the debt has matured, but he did not get a ship. So he took the wood which he later holes, and the inclusion of money in 1000 dinars in it the following letter to the owner. Then he leveled and improved location. Later he headed out to sea and said, 'O Allah, indeed You already know that I borrowed the money to the So and so as much as 1000 dinars. He asked me a guarantor, so I say enough is Allah as a guarantor, and he was willing to.

He also asked the witness to me, then I say, enough is Allah as a witness, and he was willing to. Really I have been trying hard to get a ship to send him the money he has given me, but I did not get a ship. Therefore, I Leave it to you '. Then he tossed it into the sea so adrift, then she went home.

The person who gave the debt, then he looked for ships coming into the country. And he was out of the house to look around maybe there are ships that carry the deposit money. But suddenly he found a timber in which there is money. He then took it as firewood for his wife. However, when he was chopping wood, he received a letter following the money. After that, came the people who owe him. He brought the money in 1000 dinars, saying, 'By Allah, I kept trying to get a boat to get to you with your money, but I did not get the ship before that I was riding right now!'.

Menghutanginya People say, 'Do you not have sent the money with something?' He replied, 'Did not I already tell you that I did not get the ship before that I was riding right now?' People menghutanginya preach, 'Allah has fulfilled what you please send me through the wood. Because it bring money back to the 1000 dinarmu lucky! "
(Narrated by al-Bukhari, 4 / 469, Kitabul Kafalah, and Ahmad).

Our opinion:
Subhan Allah, it is a story that touches the heart.
Where is the person who owes the trust given by the debt when the debtor does not have a warranty for it. People who owe just confident and sure of God who became witnesses and security.
Wisdom that can be taken from these stories is true if we believe God is going to help us, and we (the giver of debt) honest and sincere succor to the needy (people in debt). Then people in debt have no intention of not paying debts, whenever my time (people owed) still have debt and I need to pay.
With good intentions between the two, does not break a promise, and keep well amanahnya inshaAllah all hardship, and any obstacles as long as we remember God and ask for help, protection only to God, then God will provide convenience, a way out, a guide for his people.

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